Most moms would argue that shopping with one baby is really hard. You just don’t know how easy you had it until you try to shop with two, haha. But moms do it every day and you can too!
Follow our shopping with kids tips to make going shopping a time when you connect and enjoy being together, and of course, a time when you make it home with the milk and your sanity.
Be organized.
Before you go, make a list of what you need and know where it’s located in the store. Laid-back shopping trips don’t exist when you go grocery shopping with a baby and a toddler. Kids can easily get overstimulated, bored, or tired. The faster you can get in and out, the better for all of you.
Pack snacks and toys for both kids.
Even though your newborn just ate, she might get hungry while you’re out, so always have some formula or pumped breastmilk on hand. And don’t be surprised if your toddler starts asking for food. Whether out of boredom or the fact that you’re in a grocery store, we can all relate to thinking we’re hungry while shopping. So pull out your special treats for shopping trips, and also bring along a few picture books and small toys to keep your toddler occupied.
Keep your baby comfortable and give your toddler a job.
Where do you put your newborn? Do you bring your baby carrier? Do you put her car seat in the shopping cart? Some moms like shopping with a carrier, while others think it’s restricting. A shopping cart hammock is a win-win for moms and babies. It safely holds your baby so you can have both hands free to shop while still leaving room in the cart, and it keeps your baby snug and makes her feel like she’s being carried.
As for toddlers, some are content with sitting in their shopping cart cover, but many want to be down helping. If your toddler refuses to sit, put them to work! Let him push a kid’s shopping cart and grab items from the lower shelves. Let him choose which apples to buy. He’ll be happier, and more likely to try those fresh fruits and veggies if he’s the one that picked them out.
Choose your stores wisely.
There are some places that are fine to take kids, and then there are others you should probably avoid. Grocery stores and Ikea are kid-friendly stores, but if you need something from Sephora, you may want to wait until someone can stay home with your kids.
Do you, mama.
Ignore the stares if your toddler is having a meltdown or your baby starts crying because she lost her pacifier. You’ll never see these people again. Keep your patience and keep your focus on your kids. If you have to sit on the floor and hold your toddler, do it. If you have to stop in the middle of an aisle to clean spit-up off your baby, do it. If you have to leave your half-filled shopping cart at the back of the store because the kids just aren’t having it, do it. Do whatever you have to do to take care of your kids and your sanity.
These tips for shopping with kids won’t solve all your shopping struggles — sorry we can’t do that! But just remember that the more you shop with your two little ones, the easier it gets. Happy shopping, mama!