Binxy Baby Hammock Founder
As a busy mom of four, Lisa Pinnell was doing her big "stock-up" shopping with a toddler and newborn a few years ago, and realized she had a problem. She needed to fill her cart with a week's worth of groceries, but could not, for the life of her, figure out a safe way to contain two kids while doing so. She tried everything: A sling, a stroller, even two carts. She tried putting the entire infant car seat down in the grocery cart but had to cut her trip short when she couldn't find the baby under the piles of bread and coffee. Nothing worked.
She started researching and learned something startling: Falls from shopping carts are among the leading causes of head injuries to young children? About 24,000 kids a year are treated in hospital emergency rooms because of shopping cart-related injuries. She also learned that placing an infant car seat on top of a shopping cart is a big no-no. Those infant seats are big and heavy and besides making the cart top heavy, they tend to fall face first when bumped.
Lisa was determined to figure out a solution to her problem. After many late nights, some very ugly prototypes, every safety test you can imagine, and a little help from her mom, the Binxy Baby® Shopping Cart Hammock™ was born.
The end result was a fun, easy, convenient, and most importantly, simple way to safely hold a baby plus a basket full of groceries!

Binxy Baby®'s patented design quickly and easily clips onto most carts, the seat hangs elevated so you have plenty of room underneath for groceries, then it rolls up to fit in your purse or diaper bag when finished. You can even put two right next to each other for multiples! It also has a strap to secure infant car seats. Perfect for those cold winter days when you want to keep your baby all bundled up and just strap the whole car seat directly into the shopping cart hammock™. Binxy Baby® provides your little one with the most convenient, safe and comfortable seat in the store.
And, of course, the Binxy Baby® Shopping Cart Hammock™ meets or exceeds all applicable safety standards.
Today, Binxy Baby® is everywhere. From Parents® magazine to your local Target® and grocery store, one can’t walk two steps without a happy Mom and baby enjoying their Binxy Baby® Shopping Cart Hammock™ or shopping cart cover.
Hope you enjoy the product…

Product Designer