Binxy Baby Praise


Carly Waddel
"I am seriously never going shopping without the Binxy Baby again. I have never seen Bella so happy in anything. I never felt comfortable shopping with her before since her car seat took up all the room in the cart. Now there's so much room for groceries and she's so happy."
Jamie Otis
"Shopping with a baby is way less hectic now. Before I knew about this hammock I could never decide if I should put the car seat in the cart or on the cart. One isn’t very safe and the other leaves no room for your stuff. The Binxy is super secure and has a safety harness for her. Best part is there is like 10X more room in the cart bc I can fit groceries under and around her."
Tanner Tolbert
"The Binxy Baby is so safe and secure, and baby loves hanging out in it. No tantrums and everyone stops me to find out what it is. Seriously, every single second someone asks me. "
Heidi Montag Pratt
"Binxy Baby has been a lifesaver for grocery shopping with Gunner. I had no idea how I would shop with him before I found it. It's an amazing safety-tested hammock that clips on to any shopping cart and I don't have to wear him or bring a stroller. Make mom life so much easier. "
Kacie Gaston, Bachelorette Alumn
"I can’t tell you how much I love the Binxy Baby, but goodness, it makes our Target trips so much longer because every mom (and they’re all there when we are because it’s right after nap time and time for cup of coffee #2) stops me and asks about it. I’ve even had women take photos of it with Ranger LOL!
Katie Convertino, Owner, @ShopJunePark
"Icru and I had a very successful shopping trip today thanks to Binxy Baby. Now that he’s older, he loves looking around and I can still put all my groceries in the cart!
Erica Elizarraraz, The Simple Chic Brunette Blogger
From the moment the twins were born, I’ve had this fear of going to the store alone without my hubby, my mom or my sister. At 4.5 months I finally gained the courage to take the girls out for a little shopping adventure. This wasn’t because I told myself “Oh hey you can push a stroller and a cart at the same time.” It was because I came across the Binxy Baby shopping cart hammock. Life just got a little bit easier. It’s an incredible invention and rolls up nicely to fit into your handbag or diaper bag. Easy Peasy!!
JenLovesKev, Lifestyle Blogger
Grocery shopping and errands with all 3 kids has been one of my biggest struggles since Orion was born. There is just no room in cart with a big car seat sitting in it. Enter Binxy Baby! They are seriously my life saver.”
Cat, ThriftyLittles Blog
You know those products that you wish you would’ve discovered months ago? Or maybe wish it’d been around with your first baby? I have a few of them, but I have a new one at the very top of that list. The Binxy Baby Cart Hammock. You guys, I’m o b s e s s e d with this thing!
Casey Lennon, Entrepreneur
I’ve been never been to a super Target before and I’ve never had a smooth shopping experience with these two kids in tow before today. But damn, this Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock just made grocery shopping so easy.
Marisa Brown, Sloan and Co Shop Owner
I have never been stopped so many times at Target. Everyone wanted to check out our new @shopbinxy! This is a game changer my friends. I finally have space in the cart (to buy things I don't need from Target) and Phayre is so cozy! Binxy Baby where have you been all my life?!
Kelly Fleschow, The Vintage Blonde
"Best. Invention. Ever. Binxy baby makes it so you can add all those extra items that you don't need.PRESS