The Do's and Don'ts of Creating a Baby Registry

The Do's and Don'ts of Creating a Baby Registry

When you’ve got a baby on the way, you feel like your to-do list is a mile long. One of the fun things on your list is creating a baby registry. But creating a registry can also be overwhelming. You want to be prepared, but it’s not easy as a first-time mom trying to decide which baby items you actually need and which brands to go with.

We can’t create your baby registry for you, but we have been in your gently stretched-out shoes. Here’s our advice to help make the process fun and help you register for all the right baby products.


Do ask for baby registry advice.

If you’ve got mom friends, use them. They’ve done the research, tested different products and brands, and set up their own baby registries. They should be pros when it comes to baby item recommendations. Not saying you have to register for everything they tell you to, but ask for their advice. Chances are, if several of your friends tell you the same thing, then it’s probably advice worth taking.

Do your own research.

Once you get advice from other moms, then you can do your own research and form your own opinions on different baby items. Read customer reviews, compare prices, and think about your specific needs. Being informed and having a plan before creating a baby registry will help you feel less overwhelmed when you walk down the baby aisles.

Do register for things you need and want.

Your baby registry isn’t for your family and friends — it’s for you and your baby. Don’t hesitate to add anything to it! From the big-ticket items, such as cribs and car seats, to cheaper products, such as shopping cart hammocks and baby shampoo. If you think you’ll need it or you simply want it, add it to your registry.

Do think past the newborn stage. 

It’s easy to get caught up in those first few months, but babies quickly grow out of the newborn stage. So while you’re registering, don’t forget to add high chairs, baby-proofing items, a convertible car seat, a shopping cart cover, activity centers, etc.

Do register in the store and online.

If you plan on registering at Target or Buy Buy Baby, going in the store allows you to see and test different baby products. Sometimes something looks great online but you may not love it in person. It’s better to know that before registering instead of receiving something as a gift and then having to return it and find something different when you’re 7-8 months pregnant or shopping alone with a newborn.


Don’t do it all alone! 

Have your partner help you research and make decisions about what to register for. Take your mom or best friend with you to a store to test out different car seats and strollers. Just because you’re carrying the baby doesn’t mean you have to do it all alone.

Don’t go overboard on certain items.

You may be drawn to tiny bodysuits, swaddles, and packs of newborn bibs, but don’t spend all your time registering for these. You won’t need 12 bibs and 20 pairs of newborn socks. Plus, you’ll likely receive a lot of clothes and blankets. These are the fun gifts people enjoy giving. If there are certain brands or styles you prefer, then add them to your registry so people know what you like.

Don’t forget to register for yourself! 

The baby has needs — and so do you! Don’t feel weird or guilty adding a few things for yourself. Especially if you plan on breastfeeding. Nursing bras, nursing pads, and nipple cream are great items to add to your registry. You might even consider registering for food delivery and house cleaning services.

Don’t make multiple registries. 

One baby registry is enough. If you create multiple registries, it’s more work for you, and it can get confusing for you and for your family and friends. You may also end up with multiples of the same item.

Don’t check your baby registry every night. 

After completing your baby registry, you’ll be tempted to check it every once in a while to see what people are buying. If this is your first baby, wait to find out what you’re getting at your baby shower. It’s more fun being genuinely surprised at all the gifts you receive.

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